Thursday, January 9, 2020

January 9, 2020

Hello Families,

Happy New Year to all, I hope you enjoyed your holiday season! We are back in action this week finishing off a few things from December and moving forward full swing into the new year!

As you may remember, before the break we were working on an elaborate art and patterning project with our big buddies in Mrs. Morden's class, grade 3/4. We have finished this work and the final products look amazing! Students were reminded to collaborate with their buddies every step of the way to use similar details and sketching techniques, allowing for intentional discussions about the most appropriate sketching techniques.

 If you're visiting our school in the near future, the art is displayed in the frames as you enter through the front office. Yesterday we worked with our buddies to complete the final step of this task, a self-assessment based on pre-determined success criteria. Here are some images of this work:

We are also continuing a more in-depth investigation of patterning. You may have seen some evidence of this on SeeSaw, students were tasked with creating a core and a repeating pattern matching the criteria we learned about. We looked at each of the patterns created and collected data based on which attributes were changing in each pattern (ex. size, direction, color, etc.). Yesterday, students began a train word problem where they had to extend the pattern to determine what colour various train cars would be. Today or tomorrow we will share work that demonstrates successful problem solving and organization so students can learn from one another and then will complete a parallel task (with fish, seen below) to demonstrate how they have learned new organization and problem solving strategies from their peers.

We have also begun formal small group number strings talks where students can share their understanding and application of various mathematical strategies to promote mental math learning. These talks happen in small groups and students work with whiteboards, which promotes moving from the concrete (Montessori materials) into the pictorial/symbolic representations of number.

As a whole class, we continue to build vocabulary words about our five senses to promote adding details into writing and oral sharing. Yesterday we did some scientific experimenting with different tastes, making predictions, observations, and conclusions. We will continue this work by sorting various vocabulary words from each of the 5 senses to make a classroom word wall to support descriptive word use!

Best wishes in 2020!

Take care,
Lindsay Brown

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