Tuesday, February 25, 2020

February 25, 2020

Hello Families,

Things are getting busy and exciting in Room 11. We are starting to think about the work we will be sharing at March Student Led Conferences! We have also been busy with One World Drumming which is an awesome experience for the kiddos, and the drumming leader is very funny.

We have been using paint and tape techniques to create watercolor thank you cards for all of the adults that have been helping us out with field trips and new learning over the past few weeks. They turned out beautifully!

Over the past few days we have been completing various math assessments on basic skills we have learned this year. We add a traffic light self assessment to this work so students can build awareness around what "just right" work feels like. These various assessments will help us understand which skills we are confident with, and others that we may need more practice on. Once we identified an area where we need more practice, we will be able to design a board game around this work and share it with you at conferences.

We had an amazing presentation from Nancy at Green Calgary last week! She brought in real live red wiggler worms and taught us all about vermicomposts! Nancy was so impressed with how much the students in room 11 have already learned about worms and why they are important to the environment. This week we learned about how worms digest organic waste to create castings and labelled and color coded a diagram of the inside of a worm. The next step will be to create question and answer booklets using the handy skill of writing jot notes.

This week we have also begun the process of peer editing our familiar writing work. Today, students paired up and used our On the weekend checklist to ensure our writing met the criteria. If there were words/sentences that were missing something, we used highlighters to underline where the work needed revision.

Please note that due to drumming in the gymnasium, we are doing outdoor gym for the next two weeks. We are also returning back to our regular library schedule this week and attending library for book exchange on Wednesday afternoons.

Important Dates:

February 26 = Pink Shirt Day - wear a pink (or red) shirt for anti-bullying
February 28 = PD Day, no school for kids
March 7 = MAPSS movie event
March 16 = Art Felt Studios - in class art project -- looking for 4 or 5 adults to join us from 12:30-2:30 to support this work, let me know via email if you're available :)
March 19 and 20 = Student Led Conferences

Take care,
Lindsay Brown

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