Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Assembly Tomorrow

Hello Families, 

I just wanted to let you all know that tomorrow we are hosting a virtual assembly with rooms 9 and 10! This will be hosted over Google Meet for all the other LBS classes to watch. During this time we are going to share our Pigeon stories from before the break :). Our assembly is going to kick off literacy day at LBS!

Unfortunately, parents/guardians will not be able to attend at this time, however, I have posted the Google Slides outline under the Responsible Choice section of Google Classroom for you to check it out!

Thursday, January 28 is school wide crazy hair day and Friday, January 29 is a PD day. 

Take care, 
Ms. Brown

Friday, January 22, 2021

January 22, 2021

 Hello Families!

We have had a great full week at school filled with new learning about addition and subtraction, beetles, preying mantis's and /ar/ words!

Mr. Mix has been leading the learning about different types of beetles, their life cycle, and their habitats. We are learning lots about characteristics of insects. Ask your child to sing the insect song for you at home!

We also started learning about the mathematical vocabulary for addition and subtraction and adding this into our math stories. We used mixed media to complete good copy math stories which are going on display in the hallway! I am so proud of kiddos making just right choices with their equations to challenge their preexisting knowledge in these concepts. Below are some pictures:

Some students have also started working on personal interest projects, such as world maps, and learning about different countries during responsible choice time. 

With colder weather approaching, please ensure children are dressed for outdoor time daily. Also, please ensure all toys, cards, etc. are kept at home :).

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Brown

Friday, January 15, 2021

Big Mouth and Gorillas!

 Grade 3 & 4 Students at Lake Bonavista School are excited to share two action projects for the LBS Community to engage in. These action projects were generated from their studies around Waste and our World. Students want to share the message that everyone can make a difference through environmental stewardship. 


Big Mouth Bin

The Big Mouth Bin Initiative helps raise awareness on the importance of recycling and reusing unwanted textiles. We invite the LBS community to collect and drop off unwanted textiles (ripped/old clothing, shoes, purses, belts… anything fabric) in the Big Mouth Bin throughout the school year. A Big Mouth Bin has been placed on the East Compound. Did you know that by putting unwanted textiles in the bin it will give the textiles a second life? You would be surprised at what new product your unwanted textiles could turn into!


Gorillas on the Line

         Supporting the Calgary Zoo’s “Gorillas on the Line” initiative, we are collecting any broken, used or unwanted handheld electronic device(s) (cellphones, iPods, iPads, tablets, mp3 players, chargers and accessories) to spread awareness on the importance of electronic recycling. All electronics collected will be delivered to the Calgary Zoo. The mining of ores that are used to make new cellphones contributes to habitat loss and the endangerment of gorillas. When we reduce, reuse, then recycle our electronic devices, we lessen the demand for coltan and help protect gorillas in the wild. 




Thursday, January 14, 2021

Welcome to Mr. Mix!

 Here's an introduction from our awesome pre-service teacher, Mr. Mix:

Hello all,

My name is Brock! I am a first-year Education student at Ambrose University, and I am so excited and grateful to be spending time with your little ones for the next three weeks! I am from Airdrie, so it's a nice and welcomed trek to get all way here to LBS in the mornings. I've been working with kids for much of my life. I've worked in day camps and various youth groups for the last decade.

I'm proud to say that I've memorized all the names of our class (which is a big deal for me), and I am consistently surprised at the leadership displayed by your kiddos. By the end of my four weeks with your kiddos, I will be teaching up to 40% under the guidance of Ms. Brown, who is an amazing teacher for both me and your kiddos.

Thank you for welcoming me into your kid's lives! They are such an amazing group of students!

Brock Mix

Friday, January 8, 2021

Back to School!

 Hello Families, 

Thanks again for everything you have done to support home learning this week! I know it was a busy week for everyone!

Just a reminder to please return all work to school with your child on Monday!

Enjoy the weekend & well deserved break. 

Ms. Brown