Friday, June 23, 2023

June 23, 2023

 Hello Families, 

Here are some student perspectives and learning highlights from the students perspective this week:

Skylar - I really liked the designing of a flower with clay

Sloane - I enjoyed making my own opening task and being able to mark the work of others

Bennett - I liked learning about plants and animals and the physical adaptations of animals

Artur - I liked learning about figures of speech, here's an example of a hyperbole, "I told you a million times"

Sophia D - I liked making the limericks

Sangeet - I like Song for a Whale (classroom read aloud). I learned a lot about whales and Blue 55

Jaxon - I really liked us doing the plastercine art

Viktor - I really liked creating limerick poems because you can actually make them really funny

Will - I enjoyed figures of speech, a hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration

Claire - I liked creating the art/science work, a behavioural adaptation is like migration because birds are moving to warmer places to survuve

Aiden - I liked doing the run data tracking, my fastest KM was 4:18

Brynna - I liked learning sign language in connection to Song for a Whale

Isaac - I liked learning about homophones - it's when a word sounds the same but is spelled differently and means different things, for example, mane and main

Georgia - I liked writing the limericks because they are unique and it can be about anything

Loic - I liked Song for a Whale - it takes places place in my favourite country, USA

Vida - I liked learning about the Indigenous people in the assembly, we also did a whole school sit spot

Ryan - I liked the limericks because they can be really funny and make it your own

Cole - I liked seeing our little buddies and playing math games with them

Sofia H - I really liked that we got to build our own plant sculptures, the roots are important because they carry the nutrients to the plant

Fenna - I really liked writing the limericks and finding the right rhymes and syllables

Here are some photos to support their comments:

We have decided to have some fun in the last week of school and planned theme/dress up days for the final week of school. We voted on them today, they are listed below.
Monday = Western Day
Tuesday = Twin/triplet etc./dress like a friend day
Wednesday = PJ day (no stuffed animals please)
Thursday = Dress up day/formal day & year end assembly!

Please note the grade 4's in Room 2 are going to be running the year end assembly and Room 2 and 3 will be performing our "Good Job" song and piano accompaniment. If you plan to attend please let me know via email if you haven't already - please note there may be standing room only.

Thanks so much, it has truly been an outstanding school year!

Take care, 
Ms. Brown

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