Friday, April 23, 2021

April 23, 2021

 Hello Families, 

I hope everyone is doing well! This time of the year is interesting as the weeks always seem to get busy tying up all of the learning that has cumulated over the year.


We celebrated Earth Day yesterday (Thursday, April 22) through a school wide task about how we care for, celebrate and acknowledge the land. Here are the results of this work:

We also have started talking about how the natural world and human made objects are all constructed from composite shapes, meaning, multiple 2D and 3D shapes put together. We enjoyed the beautiful weather on Wednesday afternoon by going on a composite shape neighbourhood walk and documenting the shapes we discovered in the world on iPads. 


We have also started learning about standard and non standard units of measurement. We had a lot of fun exploring with measuring classroom objects this week, including body parts! Feel free to extend this learning at home by finding fun things to measure around your house!


Today, we had a student reward day of "Fox Friday" where we spend time learning about foxes, completing free writing about foxes, and doing some artwork. This was inspired by a secret math task we did earlier in the week. It was amazing to see how students connected learning about different types of fox species to the other animals we have learned about this year such as the beetle and rock ptarmigan, and how students considered how habitat impacts the adaptations of different kinds of foxes. We also did a multiple choice quiz at the end where all students were very successful in answering questions regarding their fox learning! I think this would be a great trend to continue on Fridays throughout the spring. 

As we continue to learn about Canada's dynamic communities, we started to talk about provincial flags, flowers, and birds. We were fortunate to have an experience to work with an Indigenous Elder this week and she shared Indigenous perspectives about plants and animals, which connected to the work we have been doing. 

Things are going amazingly well! I feel so lucky to be able to spend quality time with each of these amazing little humans every day! Take care & stay healthy!

Ms. Brown

Monday, April 19, 2021


 Hello Families, 

I wanted to keep you up to date with some of our most recent happenings:

1. PAYMENT, Open Minds

My apologies for the delay in having the online payment up and running. It should be ready to go now. Please pay the $25 and return the payment form to school at your earliest convenience. 


On Wednesday afternoon we are going on a community walk to look for composite shapes in nature. We will be looking at 3D objects in nature and architecture on this walk to build an understanding of how shapes are used in the real world. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for a 60 minute walk, based on the forecast, sunscreen might be needed! :)


This Friday, April 23 is school T-shirt and hat day!

Take care, 

Ms. Brown

Friday, April 9, 2021

Upcoming Information

Arts Commons: 

On Monday, April 19th, students in grade 1/2 at Lake Bonavista School will participate in an Arts Commons Virtual Arts Education Program, connecting with artist-in-residence Shirley Hill to learn about Blackfoot language and storytelling: This program enriches student learning within our Language Arts and Social Studies curriculum. 


Thank you to our Lake Bonavista School Council for generously providing the funding for this experience.

Flowers for Mother’s Day - School Council Fundraising 

The Lake Bonavista School Improvement Society would like to invite you to participate in the Mother’s Day Flower Fundraiser.  This season’s fundraiser will combine flowers and herbs for the garden and celebrate Moms.  The fundraiser STARTS TODAY - April 2, 2021 and is open for ordering until April 23, 2021.  The flowers will be available for pick up at LBS in the staff parking lot from noon – 3:00 p.m. on Friday, May 7, 2021. Thanks for supporting this fundraiser.


April 9, 2021

 Hello Families, 

I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break and Easter weekend! I was able to get away to the mountains for a mini vacation which was lovely. 

We had a great return to school this week, I always love this time of the year in grades 1 and 2. The students really understand the classroom routines and expectations which allows for rich learning to happen at a faster pace as many concepts become solidified. 

We took our Daily 5 reading time outside this week!

We started the week with a mapping activity to find Easter eggs! Students were loving this activity that took place in the school yard and a green space near by. They have asked for more of these types of activities so the teachers will work together to make this happen on a monthly basis. 

In math, we have been talking a lot about place value of 1, 2, 3, and 4 digit numbers. We connected this understanding to population as we continue to learn about Canada's diverse communities. This week we learned the difference between a city and a town and looked at the population's of places like Calgary, Okotoks, Canada, etc. Student's learned the term "population density". We are also reviewing the 2D shapes and creating math monsters, where we will collect data about various aspects of the shapes used. 

The Arts Commons document was sent home to everyone yesterday about our virtual field trip experience. It appears the online payment has not yet been set up. Please hold off on your payments until early next week.Thanks for your support with this process. 

Wishing everyone well!

Take care,

Ms Brown