Monday, February 28, 2022

Book Fair

Our Book Fair has started. The link below is active.  


We are pleased to be hosting a hybrid (In-School and Virtual) Scholastic Book Fair from Friday, March 4, 2022 until Friday, March 11, 2022.  


Each class will get an opportunity to visit the Book Fair on Monday, March 7th or Tuesday, March 8th. 


Your child will receive a Book Fair Wish List that they can fill in while visiting the book fair. This form will be sent home for you to view, if you would like to purchase anything from your child’s wish list you can choose to use the virtual book fair link (below) or initial next to the item you would like to purchase and send in exact cash in an attached envelope or baggy. Please note, that in-school purchases already include GST.  


Cash orders need to be sent in by Thursday, March 10th 

Online orders will be shipped to the school and sent home with your child when they arrive.  


Virtual Book Fair Link: 


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Pink Shirt Day and Announcements


Today was Pink Shirt Day (anti-bullying day). Happy to see so many participants wearing pink, and showing kindness!!

Tomorrow, February 23rd is Beach Day at LBS. So dress up in beach attire (as we hope for warmer weather). 

Fitness Bingo at LBS!!



All of the classes at Lake Bonavista School are participating in a fitness bingo challenge from February 23-April 8! We wanted to share the bingo card with you so you can continue the fun at home! At school, each time a class completes a ‘blackout’ bingo card, they will be added to a draw and entered to win bonus recess time! If your family complete all of the exercises on a bingo card at your house, please notify your classroom teacher and your child’s class will receive an additional entry in the draw.


Each exercise on the bingo card is to be completed in an interval style - 20 seconds of the exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest. In order to cross the activity off of your bingo card you must complete a minimum of 4 interval sets. If some of the exercises are unfamiliar, please ask your child to teach you the movement.


Feel free to check out the video below for a further explanation of the bingo challenge.


Happy sweating!


Active Living Committee

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Week Update


Valentines Day:

This week we...

- We began subtraction with a pre-assessment
- Looked at the Montessori Stamp Game to represent subtraction questions 

- Created "Super Sentences" adding in lots of detail 

 - Vocabulary for our Exploring Liquids unit 
- "Walking Water" experiment 

Enjoy your long weekend, see you all next Tuesday! 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Room 2 Update


Hello everyone, 

Yesterday we had the pleasure of inviting Teacher's Pet into our school for an in-class field trip. We learned about the Inuit people, and created soap stone Inuksuk's. Please check in with your child for more details :) 

Here are a few pictures:



Other learning this week:


- Triple digit addition with and without regrouping

- Which one doesn't belong question (shown below). There is no right or wrong answer, but many different ways to look at the problem.


- Continued discussing the many uses of water in our daily lives


- Creating complete sentences 

- Using descriptive words (adjectives) 

Pictures of our work:

Friday, February 4, 2022

Feb 4th Update

Valentines Day Announcement: 
- Sorry, no valentines day cards or treats can be passed out because of current health guidelines, we will have an alternative activity to celebrate here at LBS 

Today We: 

Outdoor Gym with Ms. Brown

Work Period:
 - Catch up on prior work from the week

Social Studies:
- Created Igloo artwork with chalk pastels
- Contain words relating to, or describing Iqaluit 

Here is a picture of today's work: 

Enjoy your weekend, see you all next week! 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Feb 3rd Update

Today in class we... 

- Spin a sentence activity where students were provided with the naming and telling part of a sentence (also called subject and predicate), and were asked to fill in the adjective (describing word) and other details. 
- Daily five time to read with peers, read alone, read with teacher, or listen to reading on raz kids. 

- Used a "post it notes" strategy to practice addition with regrouping
- Started with double digit, and then moved on to triple digit questions 

Social Studies: 
- Practiced gathering information from a short textbook 
- We are learning about the city Iqaluit, and the Inuit people 

- Floor hockey basics and stick handling 

Here are some pictures of today's work: 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Feb 2nd Update

Today in class we... 

Word Work Wednesday:
- Introduced the letter blend "cl" with a short story 
- Find at least 5 words that begin with "cl"
- Write two alliteration sentences using as many "cl" words you can (sentences should make sense). 

- Daily five time to read with peers, read alone, read with teacher, or listen to reading on raz kids. 

- Used Montessori "golden beads" to represent double and triple digit addition problems with regrouping 
- This is a new concept for some, we will continue to learn strategies to help solve these questions 

Gym and Health:
- With Ms. Brown 

- With Ms. Kawchuk

Here are some pictures of today's work: 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Feb 1st Update

Hi everyone, welcome back from the long weekend! 

Today in class we... 

Circle time:
- Shared the best part of our weekend with our peers 

- Learned about adjectives (describing words), and practiced adding them to sentences
- These make our writing more engaging and interesting

- Began a new unit on liquids 
- Discussed the uses of water, and its importance as a class 

- Filled in a calendar of the month of February, adding dates and important school days
- Students were also tasked with creating a repeating pattern within this calendar

We also tried a math challenge, here is the link if you'd like to visit from home:

Here are some pictures of today's work: