Friday, December 6, 2019

December 6, 2019

Hello Families,

We have had another busy and exciting week exploring with the grade 1 and 2 Muesokits from Glenbow Museum. Last week, we explored kitchen tools from the past (about 100 years ago) and looked at artifacts making connections and comparisons to what is currently in our kitchens at home.

This week, we have the One Room Schoolhouse kit. We have explored and deepened our understanding of life in the past by making mind-maps about what is in a school, sharing our ideas, and adding information and then talking about how things may have changed since 100 years ago. Today we learned more about the artifacts and documented using a Venn Diagram.

We also talked about the difference between math strategies and math materials and made an anchor chart to support our understanding. Last week, students were learning and practicing their doubles facts through the games that were shared on my previous blog. This week we spiced things up by implementing doubles facts, along with other strategies into word problems. This was a surprisingly challenging activity for the majority of students. They also completed a self assessment after completion. Here is what that work looked like:

Dec 3, 2019
Doubles Word Problems:

Itzy and her twin sister Zoey have all the same toys. Each of them has: 
8 markers
4 dolls
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6 coloring books
16 stuffed animals

How many markers do Itzy and Zoey have ALTOGETHER?

How many markers, dolls, and coloring books do Itzy and Zoey have IN TOTAL?

How many markers, dolls, coloring books, and stuffed animals do Itzy and Zoey have IN ALL?

Personal Reflection:
I chose work that is “just right” for me – Yes / No

My work is organized and easy to understand - Yes / No

I used an efficient strategy or strategies: ________________________________

Next time I will improve my work by: ____________________________________

To improve this work in future, we will complete a "math conference" next week where different students will share their strategies for organization and problem solving so we can learn from one another. Then there will be a parallel task to see how new skills and ideas are implemented after the peer learning takes place. Here is the work that will be shared at math conferences:

In addition, with our big buddies in Mrs. Morden's class, we have been learning new sketching techniques called Pen Sketching Techniques. We were inspired by the cute Telus holiday animals to create artwork alongside our buddies where we can implement different sketching techniques as well as demonstrate our understanding of patterning and our growing understanding of providing one another with effective feedback. Here are some pictures of the students hard at work practicing their newly learned techniques:

Please note that anyone attending the Winter Concert on Thursday, December 12th needs a ticket! Even babies count as people who require tickets. If you need extra tickets please notify the office so you can be entered into the lottery. As a great alternative we also offer daytime shows at 9:30AM and 12:45PM. Our class will be participating in the 9:30AM show. 

Also, next Friday, December 13th is a school wide PJ DAY for everyone who would like to participate! :)

Enjoy your weekend!


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