Saturday, November 26, 2022

LBS Winter Concert

 LBS Winter Concert December 15 2022 


6:00 Concert  


7:30 Concert  

16 - Scherer  


7 - Burnham  

17 - Adamson  


3 - Kassam  

4 - Link  


5 - Bouchard  

2 - Brown  


6 - Cooper  

12 - Gierl   

10 - Green  


13- Romanko  


11 - Midgley  


8 - Greenhall   




  • Concert is for Grade 1-6.  Kindergarten will have their own event in the Spring 


  • Dress Rehearsals 9:30 am (6:00 show) and 12:45pm (7:30 show) will be on Dec. 15  



  • Each LBS family will receive 2 tickets to the concert.  We will also have a sign-up sheet in the office for up to 2 more tickets should they become available.   


  • Guests are able to attend Dress Rehearsals for their designated show without a ticket.  



  • Some families have a child in each concert.  These families will be contacted to ask which concert they would like all of their children to be in and they will receive 2 tickets to that concert.  


  • Students in Grades 1-4 can wear what they like to the concert.  No hats please so we can see everyone’s smiling faces when they are on the stage! 


Thank you, 


Julie Kawchuk 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Book Fair

 Our Book Fair has started. The link below is active. 


We are pleased to be hosting a hybrid (In-School and Virtual) Scholastic Book.   

Each class will get an opportunity to visit the Book Fair on either Monday, November 21st or Tuesday, November 22nd 


Attached is your child’s wish list. If you would like to purchase anything from your child’s wish list you can choose to do so using any of the three methods listed below.  


Purchase Options:  

·         Cash sent in with your child and initialed wish list  

o    Initial next to the items you would like to purchase and send in exact cash  

o    Please note, that in-school purchases already include GST 

o    Cash orders need to be sent in by Thursday, November 24th 

·         Online using the link posted on your child’s teachers blog or below  

o    Virtual Book Fair Link:  

o    Link is active from Monday, November 21st till Sunday, November 27th  

o    Online orders will be shipped to the school and sent home with your child when they arrive 

·         In-Person during your parent teacher conference time   


*Dear Parents: You are under no obligation to purchase the products listed.*  


Thursday, November 10, 2022

November 10, 2022


This weeks blog is by Vida and Sloane :)

Hello Families,

This week room two has been learning about the life cycles of pumpkins and oak trees!

Once room two is finished their life cycles in their visual journal's they made a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the pumpkin and oak tree.

During math we have been learning about WODB (which one doesn't belong), subtraction vocabulary, and how to tell what time it is on an analog clock.

Last week on Friday students brought there favourite snacks, then we introduced a writing guessing game and used water colour to paint there favourite snack!Then we noticed that students were having trouble with descriptive words, so room 2 & 3 made mind maps about  5 senses for their favourite snacks!

Thank you room 2 you have done an awesome job this week! 😎

Important Dates:

November 11 - Remembrance Day - no school

November 14 at 7:00AM - Conference Booker is live to book November Conferences 

November 24 and 25 - Conferences (in person at LBS)

November 21-27 Book Fair

December 1 - Movement Minutes Due! Keep tracking :)

Friday, November 4, 2022

November 4, 2022

 Hello Families, 

We had a fun filled week of hands on learning between our pumpkin exploration and our sensory snack time. Thanks again for everything you continue to do to support our school learning. 

Through research and documentation, we continue to learn about celebrations and food in India (grade 3 Social Studies). We have also started some research on pumpkins, their uses, and stages of the lifecycle (grade 4 Science). Students are demonstrating increased confidence with recording key information in jot note form, and accessing various online sources to synthesize information and demonstrate comprehension.  

We continue to work towards showing, and communicating our understanding of mental math strategies through opening tasks and math conferences. This week we also introduced Which One Doesn't Belong tasks in connection to our School Development Plan for increasing students mathematical vocabulary to build awareness of their metacognition. 

Having the opportunity to drink sage tea was a huge interest point for students this week.  We made a class rule that we will continue with tea drinking on Tuesday's only... Tea Time Tuesday! All tea provided will be herbal and caffeine free. If you'd like your child to particpate, please send a mug with them each Tuesday. From experience, a mug with a lid is preferred (ie. travel mug), however, a regular mug will also suffice. Here's a blog link to the importance of tea service in the Montessori classroom if you're interested:

Overall, it was a wonderful, exciting, and busy week! Here are some photos....

Poppy Fund Donations


Students will be given a poppy on November 10th while honoring Remembrance Day at school.  If you would like to send in a monetary donation to support the Poppy Fund that day, it would be greatly appreciated.  You can also show your support by donating online through following the link: 


MOMMS Pet Food Drive


To support Veterans and their dogs, our community pet store is collecting donations. These items will help support the pets that bring so much comfort and happiness to those who have served our country. Please send any donations to school with your child, on or before November 10th. They will be dropped off by Room 7 and 8. See the information below for donation details.

Friendly Reminders: 

  • Monday, November 7 - Photo Retake Day 
  • Friday, November 11 - No School - Remembrance Day
  • Monday, November 21 - Sunday, November 27 - Hybrid Book Fair (more info to come) 
  • Thursday, November 24 & Friday, November 25 - Conferences (more info to come)