Monday, June 24, 2019

June 24, 2019

Hello Families,

This year has gone by so quickly, I can't believe the students of room 11 are getting ready to move on to grade 2 or 3! It has been such an incredible year, and I am so lucky to have a room full of respectful, caring, hilarious, and considerate kiddos! I am so impressed with all of the students and their ability to take responsibility for their learning. Each member of the class is truly all unique and special and adds so much value!

Here are some photos of our June learning about bees, butterflies, wasps, and spiders! We even had a pet tarantula in our classroom for a few days, her name is Miss Rosie.

Here are some important things to keep in mind for the final week of school:
Tuesday, June 25
- Please bring a bag to send all student items home in

Wednesday, June 26
- Year end assembly at 10:15am, parents are welcome to attend
- Board game day!  Please send a favorite board game from home that your child can teach to a small group of peers

Thursday, June 27
- Last day of school, early dismissal at 12:15pm
- Celebration picnic, if you'd like, send a snack food for students to enjoy

Take care!!
Lindsay Brown

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Sports Day/End of Year

Hello Families,

Here are some important things to keep in mind as our school year comes to an end:

June 21, 2019 - Sports Day
Hello Lake Bonavista School!

Friday, June 21 is Lake Bonavista School Sports Day! The theme for this year is Colour Groups, so please dress in your colour if possible!  Students will have the whole morning to participate in awesome games like lacrosse, bocce ball, and island dodgeball. Each colour group will be creating their own team posters for the event.  

Thanks to our marvelous LBS School Council for providing a healthy, nutritious snack to all students on Sports Day. You may need to pack some extra snacks as it will be an active day!

If it’s sunny, remember to bring sunscreen, a water bottle, a hat, and proper footwear.

If it’s cloudy, remember to bring a jacket or sweater, a water bottle, and proper footwear.

See you at the LBS 2019 Colour Group Sports Day!
The Active Living Committee

June 25, 2019 - Cubby Clean Out
Please send a large bag (reusable bag if possible for the additional strength) with your child on this day as we will be sending home everything from the school cubbies. Some things will remain at school for the following school year, (ie. personal words dictionaries, etc.).

June 27, 2019 - Celebration
If you would like to provide nut-free snacks for our final day celebration, we will use the early dismissal day on Thursday, June 27 to celebrate the end of an amazing year! We will likely (weather permitting) have a picnic outside and play some whole class games. Parents and guests with valid police clearance are welcome to join us for the festivities, we will likely begin our "party" around 10:30am.
Report Cards will be sent home with all students on Thursday, June 27th. 

Please let me know if you have any questions about the upcoming events.


Lindsay Brown

Friday, June 14, 2019

Sports Day Volunteers

Hello Parents/Guardians,

We are seeking volunteers for our LBS 2019 Sports Day! We are looking for parents who would be comfortable co-leading (with support from a teacher) a sports day activity. This year, sports day is happening on Friday, June 21st, 2019 from 9:30am until 12:00pm. If you’re available to join us please email Lindsay Brown at Please note that a valid police clearance is required to volunteer.

Active Living Committee

Monday, June 10, 2019

Book Drive!

From Monday, June 10th to Friday, June 14th, Lake Bonavista School will be celebrating literacy and promoting summer reading through a Book Drive and Swap!

Throughout the week, student volunteers will be coordinating a Book Drive of gently used books that are no longer needed in your home libraries. Students will receive 1 ticket for every 2 books they bring in for the Book Drive. The Book Swap will take place on Friday, June 14th where students will have the opportunity to go “shopping” for new-to-them books with their tickets. All additional books will be donated to a school in need.

In addition, on Friday, June 14th we will be celebrating our love of reading by having a picnic with a book. Students will spend some time outside reading their favorite books with their buddy class.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

June Scholastic

Hello Families,

June Scholastic's were sent home today! Please place all orders by Friday, June 14, so we can ensure the orders arrive before the end of the school year.


Lindsay Brown

Monday, June 3, 2019

June 3, 2019

Hello Families,

It's hard to believe we are already in June! With being out of the classroom so often in the month of May, please remember we have returned to our regular routines of word work (orange words this week), daily home reading practice, and library visits on Wednesday.

All of our larva have now entered the chrysalis phase! Likely before the end of the week our Painted Lady Butterflies will be out of their chrysalises. While we wait for the final phase to complete, we are continuing our learning about different types of bees, with a specific focus on mason bees, honeybees, and bumblebees. We have been creating Montessori nomenclature books to identify various body parts that allow us to classify bees as insects. Additionally, we have been looking at various invertebrates and determining their various characteristics. Once the butterflies arrive we will be able to build our understanding to compare and contrast the two insects.

Additionally, we are finishing up our exploration of shapes. Quiz your child at home to assess their knowledge of various 2D and 3D shapes in the environment. Some questions you could ask include:
-   What is this shape called? 
-  How many vertices does it have? 
-  How many edges does it have?

We have revisited some of our mental math strategies and connected various strategies to subtraction! Students are sharing their ideas in math forums called number strings. During the forums, each child has the opportunity to articulate their "just right" strategy so we can learn from one another. The interrelationship between addition and subtraction is becoming more obvious through repeated practice!

We are also continuing our collaborative story writing work with our kinder buddy class. Last week we watched the cute short film called Dustin []and worked with our buddies to identify the characters, setting, beginning, middle, and ending of the film. Tomorrow, we will begin our final story writing task with the kinders, starting with a mini-lesson on creative story ideas and endings. :)

Take care,

Lindsay Brown