Wednesday, February 26, 2020

One World Drumming Sharing

One World Drumming Sharing 

There will be a sharing celebration for all students who have been participating in One World Drumming this week on Thursday February 27 at 1:00 pm:

  • PM Kindergarten
  • Rooms 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 and 16

Parents and Guardians are welcome to attend. There will be limited seating available.  Each classes performance will be approximately 5 minutes long.

Thank you to the Lake Bonavista School Council for making this possible!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

February 25, 2020

Hello Families,

Things are getting busy and exciting in Room 11. We are starting to think about the work we will be sharing at March Student Led Conferences! We have also been busy with One World Drumming which is an awesome experience for the kiddos, and the drumming leader is very funny.

We have been using paint and tape techniques to create watercolor thank you cards for all of the adults that have been helping us out with field trips and new learning over the past few weeks. They turned out beautifully!

Over the past few days we have been completing various math assessments on basic skills we have learned this year. We add a traffic light self assessment to this work so students can build awareness around what "just right" work feels like. These various assessments will help us understand which skills we are confident with, and others that we may need more practice on. Once we identified an area where we need more practice, we will be able to design a board game around this work and share it with you at conferences.

We had an amazing presentation from Nancy at Green Calgary last week! She brought in real live red wiggler worms and taught us all about vermicomposts! Nancy was so impressed with how much the students in room 11 have already learned about worms and why they are important to the environment. This week we learned about how worms digest organic waste to create castings and labelled and color coded a diagram of the inside of a worm. The next step will be to create question and answer booklets using the handy skill of writing jot notes.

This week we have also begun the process of peer editing our familiar writing work. Today, students paired up and used our On the weekend checklist to ensure our writing met the criteria. If there were words/sentences that were missing something, we used highlighters to underline where the work needed revision.

Please note that due to drumming in the gymnasium, we are doing outdoor gym for the next two weeks. We are also returning back to our regular library schedule this week and attending library for book exchange on Wednesday afternoons.

Important Dates:

February 26 = Pink Shirt Day - wear a pink (or red) shirt for anti-bullying
February 28 = PD Day, no school for kids
March 7 = MAPSS movie event
March 16 = Art Felt Studios - in class art project -- looking for 4 or 5 adults to join us from 12:30-2:30 to support this work, let me know via email if you're available :)
March 19 and 20 = Student Led Conferences

Take care,
Lindsay Brown

Thursday, February 20, 2020

February 20, 2020

Hello Families,

We had an awesome time at Leighton Art Center on Tuesday and the weather turned out fantastic! Many students have been eager to talk about the highlights of the field trip, including working with clay to create a landscape, weaving on a loom made from branches, seeing many different kinds of antlers and animal bones, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leighton's house, and the echo hill! It's a beautiful place, I would highly recommend a visit if you've never been out there.

Here are some pictures from our awesome day at Leighton!

Thanks again to all of the volunteers that accompanied us on our first field trip of the year!  :)

Take care, 
Lindsay Brown

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Swimming Dates

Hello Families,

We will be starting our swimming on April 21st, the schedule is below if you're able to volunteer for any of the below dates and times let me know via email. Also, we are always looking males with valid police clearance to support the boys change room (fun times, haha!).

Here are the dates:
April 21st, 23rd, 28th and 30th
May 5th and 7th.

Depart from LBS
Swim Lesson Time
Arrival at LBS
Mrs Green (Room 10)
11:50 a.m.
12:15 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.
1:05 p.m.

Ms Brown (Room 11)
Ms Thomas  (Room 8)
12:50 p.m.
1:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
2:05 p.m.

Lindsay Brown

Winter Walk Day

Hello Families,

Today was AWESOME at the Leighton Art Center!

Please note that tomorrow is Winter Walk Day! We will be walking in the snow for 30 minutes, please ensure your child is dressed for outside and has boots to walk in! :)

Take care,
Ms. Brown

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Field Trip - Tuesday!

Hi Families, 

A reminder that this upcoming Tuesday, February 18th, we have our field trip to the Leighton Art Centre.

The Leighton Art Centre is a rural setting, and some of our programming for the day will take place outside. The pathways at Leighton are simply packed snow, not paved or gravel, and therefore not cleared. It will be important for students to be dressed appropriately for the weather, ideally in layers. They must have boots, a jacket, snowpants, mittens and something to cover their head. Snowpants can be packed in the backpack to prevent overheating on the school bus if desired. Teachers who went on the field trip last week also recommend packing your child an extra pair of socks. Students will also need a packed snack/lunch and water bottle.

Thank you to the volunteers who are joining us for the day! Please arrive at the school for 8:15am with your child. Come in to the front office, sign in as a field trip volunteer and take a tag to wear for the duration of our trip. Volunteers will also need to be dressed for the weather, and require a lunch and water bottle. There is no food available for purchase on site at the Leighton Art Centre.

Thank you everyone! As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Lindsay Brown

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February 12, 2020

Hello Families, 

Thanks to everyone who was able to join us for family literacy day and to those who are returning to LBS tonight for the family dance! It was an action packed day with time spent with our buddies and handing out Valentines this morning and an assembly and literacy activities in the afternoon. 

A new math game was sent home today! Please add the game boards into your home math games folder for safe keeping. This game was introduced to most students this week. I will post the instructions here as well for safe keeping:

Yahtzee Game Instructions

·      One game board
·      Counters for each player (same number as there are numbers on the game board)
·      Dice (cards also work if you do not have a 10-sided die)
·      Player 1 rolls the dice.
·      They figure out what 10 – that number is. (For example, they roll a 3 so 10 – 3 = 7)
·      Player 1 covers the answer on their side of the board.
·      Player 2 rolls and repeats these steps, covering the answer on their own side of the board.
·      Players roll back and forth.
·      When a player rolls an answer they have already covered, they lose their turn.
·      The winner is the first person who covers all of their answers.

Question to ask during play:

Ask students what they need to roll in order to cover the number they are missing.  For example, you have 6 that is still uncovered.  What do you need to roll to get a 6?  4.  This helps students think inversely.

We also introduced a really fun making 10's game that works on the computer/iPad. Here's the link if you'd like to play at home:

Please keep in mind that our next day back at school is Tuesday, February 18 and our class field trip to Leighton Art Center! There is deep snow out on the grounds at Leighton, thus, please ensure your child is dressed for the weather/snow. Big thank you to all the parents who are joining us on our field trip! :)

Take care and Happy Valentine's Day to all! :)

Lindsay Brown

Saturday, February 8, 2020


I just got my tickets! Join me at:

The MAPSS Movie Event is a month away and it is time to get your tickets!
Students and families of all 3 CBE Montessori Schools are invited to join us for the 4th annual MAPSS Movie Event!
Sat, 7 March 2020
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST
Movie – Onward by Disney Pixar
You will notice we are all at one central location: Scotiabank Theatre Chinook. We are looking forward to the event and seeing many of you there.

Ms. Brown :)

Family Literacy Day

Save the Date! 

On Wednesday, February 12th, 2020, students at Lake Bonavista School will be celebrating Family Literacy Day!

The theme for Family Literacy Day 2020 is “Let’s Read Together”. Students will gather together to participate in a whole-school literacy assembly in the afternoon, followed by an opportunity for families to come and read together in our school environment.  

Please join us on February 12th, 2020 starting at 2:00pm and “Let’s Read Together”!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

New Math Game -- Making 10's

Here's a game to add to your home math folders: :)

Making 10’s
Materials:One deck of cards

1.    To set up the game, put 8 cards face up in a rectangle shape 
2.    Play rock, paper, scissors to determine who gets to go first.
3.    Player 1 makes as many sets of 10 as they can. Face cards are 10. 
·      In the beginning, encourage recognition of single cards that represent 10, as well as two addend combinations to practice basic fact automaticity(i.e. 5+5, 2+9, 7+3, etc.)
·      As your child develops automaticity for two addend combinations, encourage them to also look for multiple addend combinations to develop flexibility of number(i.e. 2+3+5, 2+4+5, 4+3+3) 
·      Next step? Incorporate subtraction into the card combinations, developing your child’s understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction,and developing fluency between operations(8+7-5, 6+6-2, 9+7-4-2)

4.    When Player 1 is out of possibilities, they get one point for each 10 that they made. Record their score. 
5.    After Player 1’s turn, all of the cards get restocked for Player 2’s turn. 
6.    Player 2 makes as many sets of 10 cards as they can.
7.    Points for Player 2 are tallied and recorded. 
8.    You can play as many rounds as you like.

** Important **

If you cannot make any 10’s at all with the cards that are face up, you cover up all the cards with brand new cards and start again.

February 5, 2020

Hello Families,

Thanks to everyone who has returned report card envelopes and Leighton Art Center field trip forms. :) We are currently still looking for at least one more adult to join us on the field trip, two would be even better!  Please let me know if you can join us for the day, it's a beautiful place!

Things are going well here at school and students are building a lot of independence in the work perios routines. Currently, we are learning about how to write "high quality sentences" and move away from the boooooring sentences like, "It was fun." "I went swimming." "It was awesome." "It was good." Last week we talked about how high quality sentences make sense on their own and include ideas from who, what, when, where, why and descriptive words! We created this example as a class and watched it evolve and become more "high quality" through multiple revisions. Our goal is to have each student be able to write one high quality sentence so they can work towards varying sentence lengths etc.

We also underlined one sentence in our own writing that we thought was high quality and as a class sorted examples and non-examples. From this, we determined that writing high quality sentences is tricky stuff. Our next goal will be to revise previous sentences to make them better and then re-sort.

Some kiddos are working on writing familiar personal narratives using all lowercase letters (where appropriate) and others are working on constructing high quality sentences about small moments from their own experiences.

Today we learned a new math game for making 10's. I will post the instructions in a seperate blog. We also continue to learn different ways to represent understanding of mathematical concepts and solve puzzles! Here are some examples:
These puzzles are really tricky for the kids! Especially when they have more than 2 addends  :)

We are still learning about worms and this week we talked about the lifecycle of a worm, and started to learn about what earthworms can eat. We sorted pictures based on our learning thus far and then changed items around as we learned more. So far we know that earthworms like fruits and vegetables so long as they are not too acidic (ie. lemons, limes, oranges).

Notice the use of sequencing words :)

Here are some other pictures of ongoing work:

There are really cool animals in this book! We read about a new one or two every day. 
This is called the Lesser Fairy Armadillo... Test your kid: Ask them if they can remember what it eats and where it lives, they can also use their bums for something funny... 

Valentine's Day
I've had a few students ask about Valentines Day since it runs over teachers convention this year. For the students who would like to bring Valentines cards from home, we will hand them out on February 12 in the afternoon. To make delivery easier (especially for the kiddos who are learning to read) it is easier to addess each Valentine "Dear Friend" instead of individual names. Please note we have 22 students in our class. Handing out Valentines cards is a choice :).

Important Dates:

February 12: Family Dance at LBS
February 12: Literacy Day at LBS
February 12: Valentines Day celebrations
February 13: No School
February 14: No School
February 17: Family Day - no school
February 18: Leighton Art Field Trip
February 28: No School

Take care all! :)

Lindsay Brown