Monday, October 29, 2018

October 29, 2018

Hello Families, 

We are looking forward to a new week! Today we started looking at sorting Woozles!! Here are the Woozles:

Woozles are fun because there are so many different ways we can sort them! We can sort them by one or more attributes. Today we added color to them, so we can first sort them by attribute color! After that, the options are endless (smooth or furry, one or two "eyes", etc.).

We completed a writing task this morning about "On the weekend.." or free writing about Halloween. We also introduced rubrics into our writing, so students could self-assess their work. We categorized our work in 4 ways: 1 - not yet; 2 - getting better; 3 - nice work; and 4 - WOW work! Students were able to look at the exemplars and determine where they thought their work would fall, they did a good job determining where their work was strong, and areas for improvement. 

A reminder that we are celebrating Halloween on Wednesday afternoon with a parade, and in class celebration. Students are invited to wear their costumes in the afternoon only. Please see my previous blog post regarding costume and celebration guidelines.  If you would like to join us for the parade it begins at 1:00pm, and parents can come through the front door and into the gymnasium to see all of the costumes!

Additionally, on Thursday, November 1, we are having a literacy day! Students will likely be exhausted from the evening before, so this day will be an opportunity for a relaxing time to be spent in activities such as reading, writing, playing games, and sharing orally with other students. Each of our 4 grade 1/2 classes that share the quad will offer something different and students will have a chance to rotate through different literacy centers. If you have an appropriate board or card game that your child would like to share and teach to friends please send it (with your name) on Thursday!

Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!

Lindsay Brown

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