Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Daily Update - January 11th

Today in class we:

Math: Skip counting mazes (Room 2 completed these quickly!) 

- Mild by 2's 

- Medium by 5's and 10's 

- Spicy by 7's and 9's

Literacy: Continued Goal Setting 

- Filled in the goal setting chart below. 

- Answered the questions: what is your goal? what 3 steps do you need to take to achieve it? and what is the outcome or result? 

Social: Direction

- Put up directions in our classroom (North, South, East, West) 

- Students were asked to write a set of instructions for a friend in the class. They would need to travel from one spot to another. 

Here is the example that we used in the classroom:

Directions from Mr. Meeks desk to the sink:

  1. First, stand at Mr. Meeks desk and face west 

  2. Next, take 20 small steps forward 

  3. Turn to face north and take 5 normal steps 

  4. Then turn west again and take 4 large steps 

  5. Turn north and take 3 big steps 

  6. Turn west and you are there!

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